Triple Threat Training LLC


Athletes and their families perspectives.


Steve Bartig

“Triple Threat Training is a great value at a time when there seems to be experts and quick fixes everywhere you look. Excellent individual instruction!  Significant improvement was seen in my son’s swing after 2 small adjustments were made in the first 60 minute session and the improvements continued with each session. We got two valuable results from Triple Threat Training. My son became a better baseball player and he had a great time doing it! I would recommend them to anyone!”


CHad Vieth

“I am blown away with the Triple Threat Team and their ability to connect with my boys.  It is amazing to watch the coaches capture interest and desire during the training. The gains have been much faster than with other camps because the boys love their sessions.  We are so grateful to have such talent this close to home!” 


Jerry Heath

I just wanted to let you know how great of a job I thought you did with him and all of the kids.  He enjoyed it a lot and I as a parent liked watching the sessions.  It has improved his swing and we are looking to see him transfer that to the field this summer.  


Randy Hartl

I must say it has been very enjoyable for us Hartl’s – great for my kids to hang out with super high quality people like yourselves.  You are not only great teachers of the game but are great role models.


Julie Delikowski

As a parent we try to give our children opportunities to better themselves.  We have sent Jerome to several camps, instruction days, extra practices and the like.  None were as amazing as the session given by Triple Threat.  The information they were given, the one-on-one experience, the form taught to be a better hitter, were all something I wished he would have learned as a kid pitch player.  Thank you for offering such a terrific course.  

I would never hesitate to sign Jerome up for one of your camps or courses.